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If you are medicine distributer, medical store, a hospital or a privately held clinic you may place oder with us with based on minimum order quantity set on the store. We also take orders from Central Governmnet Agencies, State Health Department and NHM

Tired of walking all the way to your local medicine store? Worried that going out is risky during the current times? Order medicines online at Allay Labs, India’s trusted online medicine portal. With more than 10 years of experience and well stocked medicines from the manufacturing unit, you are sure to find what you are looking for, and that too at affordable prices! Besides, extremely stringent sanitization norms are followed at your favourite online medical store. Allay Labs takes the safety of customers and employees very seriously.

Absolutely! All our medicines undergo a three-step quality check process to ensure they are of high quality. We have our own medicine manufacturing unit in Ranchi and we source raw materials from the best vendor out there in the sphere. During the past two decades, the internet has become an accepted way to purchase products and services. Buying medications online are no exception. Besides its benefits, several patient safety risks are linked to the purchase of medicines outside the traditional supply chain.

  • Visit our website and online medicine store on your phone.
  • Search from our list of available medicines.
  • Enter the address where you want your package to be delivered.
  • Our delivery partner will call you to before delivering your orders.
  • The medicine is packed and assured by Allay Laboratories.
  • Our delivery person will deliver the package at your doorstep.

Once you purchase your medicines online with us, you will get it within 48-72 hours. please read our Terms & ConditionsShipping & Delivery Policy

Yes, you can get seasonal/off season discounts and good e-wallet cashback on purchasing medicines from Allay Labs.

Your order will be delivered as per the 'Estimated Delivery Date' committed at the time of order placement. You can check this by selecting your order from the "My Orders" section. Keep a lookout for our order delivery updates. Allay Labs is not responsible for late, and damaged deliveries. This is sole responsiblity of the deilvery agency. Whereas you may raise these issues with the delivery agency.

Unfortunately, once your order is confirmed, it cannot be modified. You can place a fresh order with Allay Labs.

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